

Here you will find links to many and varied items that have inspired and informed our work. These are things we have enjoyed, learned from and recommend – they are our approvazioni to you.



Hot Monogamy: Essential Steps to More Passionate, Intimate Lovemaking by Dr. Patricia Love and Jo Robinson

I (Fran) recommend this book to almost all my couples that I treat for sexuality and intimacy concerns. It covers issues from talking about sexual history to love-making techniques. Each chapter ends with activities and discussion questions. Typically, couples find it practical and engaging. The book’s only significant weakness is that it is written from a hetero-normative perspective. Below is an amazon link.

Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski

I (Fran) recommend this book for any woman with low desire or with partner-based desire discrepancy. It is very helpful, scientifically sound, fun and enjoyable to read. Most woman feel an empathic connection to the book’s content and see themselves reflected in the stories. It offers helpful advice and thought-provoking ideas often shared with friends and lovers. Below is an amazon link.

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin

As I began to build Veduta Consulting, I (Fran) read many of Seth Godin’s books on marketing. I enjoyed them all, but I liked Tribes the best. It helped me understand how valuable clear, mission-driven communication is to leadership. If you see a consistent message in the Veduta website and that message speaks to you, I would attribute my learning to create that targeted message to this book. Below is an amazon link.


The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind

I (Gideon) think this book is an excellent, quick read for anyone interested in learning about how our brains work when we are feeling activated, frustrated, or shut-down. Though it was written for parents of kids, the authors’ clarity and focus lend well to the learning of adults, couples, and families of all backgrounds who are interested in better understanding our emotion-behavior connection and how we can all work better to support each other from a compassion-informed framework. The joy of this book is learning about your own brain while better understanding the brains of other people!

Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life by Gregg Levoy

One of my best colleagues Dr. Nona Wilson recommended this book to me (Fran). For many weeks, it was my “train book.” I read it in the mornings on my way into work. This book encourages the reader to following their dreams, their passion, their “calling.” It helped me find the courage to start Veduta Consulting. It was an excellent and inspiring way to start my day. I loved the stories in it. Sometimes they made me laugh out loud and sometimes the stories made me cry. I always saw something about myself in them. I think you will too. Below is an amazon link.

The Courage to Write: How Writers Transcend Fear by Ralph Keyes

I just finished reading this fantastic book. I was reading it to help me move on a book project I am stalled out on, but it is actually inspirational in other ways. It is definitely focused on writing, but the book’s advice is applicable to any creative endeavor. He uses stories and quotes from many famous writers and poets. I felt my struggles with the creative process reflected in their words and I didn’t feel so alone in my struggle. This is a helpful book to read for anyone struggling to complete any time of creative project. Below is an Amazon link.